Over the last few weeks, I have had some stress in my life. Nothing huge, but last night the wife said out loud that "you just can't deal with stress". I completely disagree with her, while also agreeing with her completely. Does that make sense? Well, it shouldn't.
Basically, I have decided that for normal things that stress us all out, I do extremely well handling my emotions. To those who know me, I basically don't have any emotions, so it seems like I can handle stress very well. Typically, I'll just throw my stress into my workouts and have a killer swim, bike or run. I won't take it out on anyone, I won't let it affect my everyday life, and everyone will be none the wiser.
Where I become a crazy lunatic is for things that I find just ridiculous and I can't control. Note that this is very different than normal things that I can't control. I learned a while not to care about those things. If I can't control it, then no point in getting stressed over it. But for things that are plain out ridiculous and they affect me in any way, then I lose my sh#$t. Like really lose my sh#$t. This past week while on the phone with a friend who is helping the wife and I with something (and is doing an amazing job), he is explaining to us about something and I don't like what he has to say. It's not his fault and I never once thought it was, but I threw the phone at the wife and said I can't deal with this, "you do it". The problem is that my friend didn't know I wasn't mad at him so he felt I was taking it out on him. I wasn't, but I just couldn't listen to anything anymore. I didn't care about anything. I wanted off the phone, I wanted to stop hearing anything, and I wanted things to be different. I was screaming at the situation but not at that. If it was possible, then my skin would turn green, my shorts and shirt would get torn off, and I would turn into the real life Hulk. That's how bad I am.
It usually is caused by something that has to do with money, but there are other triggers involved. Riley has known to cause a few of my Hulk-ings, the wife definitely has, yet Thunder and work have never (weird).
So when it comes to handling stress, I would say that I do a very good job of handling the normal day to day stress that we all have and is unavoidable. But when things happen that affect me that I can't control and is just so insanely annoying, I freak out and do a bad job handling emotions.
How do you handle stress?