Monday, July 8, 2013

It's hot, hot, HOT

So now with a break in between races for a while, it's time to rest a little bit, enjoy some things, and work on specifics parts of my training that will help me down the road.  However, last week was the 4th of July and it was time to enjoy the long weekend.  The only problem was that it was too damn hot to do anything or enjoy being outside.

The heat wave that blasted the eastern part of the U.S. definitely affected training.  Typically on holiday weekends, I like to get 2 really good workouts in and a few really hard ones.  This way it counters all the bad food and drinks that I put into my body.  Unfortunately, it was so hot that I really couldn't do that.  I was scheduled to run 14 miles this weekend then have a 2-3 hour bike ride.  However, with the heat being 95 degrees with humidity of about 80%, there is no chance I was willing to do either of those outside.  So Friday night, I headed down to the treadmill in my apartment building and rocked an hour and half treadmill run.  Let me say, running that long on a treadmill is possibly the worst experience you can have.  It is sooooo damn boring.  Thankfully, Wimbledon was on and I could watch the match live.  I'm not a huge tennis guy, but there wasn't anything better on.  I can only watch SportsCenter so many times.  To get me through the run, I would have to play games with myself.  I would see if I could run half a mile before a game was over.  So when someone was up like 40-0 in a game, I was rooted for a few lost points so the game would continue and take longer.  Or if there was a tiebreaker for the set, I would want to finish a mile before it was over.  Little things like this helped get me through the run...barely.  It was so boring, I couldn't help myself.

Then on Sunday, I was forced to go indoors for my bike ride which I went to my gym and spun for 2 hours.  This wasn't as bad as the treadmill, but it was definitely bad.  I watched the first 7 innings of the Yankees game so at least it was something to do.  In some ways it was a better workout than just a normal 2 hour ride so I'm happy about that, but there was a pool of sweat under me, my socks and shoes were soaked, and people were looking at me as to say "how is this guy on the bike for that long".  I went through 3 bottles filled with water and HoneyMaxx and a few gels, chews, etc.  Just not an enjoyable workout, and really really boring.

At least on Saturday, I braved the heat and ran for 6 miles outside.  Not exactly a fun time to be outside but at least I was outside and not stuck on a treadmill.  After that, it was pool time.  We brought Riley to our neighbor's pool and hung out with him, the wife, my sister, and my brother-in-law.  Normally, I can sit outside and relax, but not Saturday.  It was just so toasty that being outside, even in the pool, was just uncomfortable.  I couldn't take it so I went inside and let the rest of the group hang out.

Hanging out in the pool

Riley hanging out in his watercraft
I'm hoping for a return to normal summer heat so I can start training the way I like and not having to feel like I'm running or biking through  fog of heat.  Summer is more fun when you can be outside and enjoy it.

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