Thursday, February 7, 2013


So you may have noticed the cute little pug in a tux on the right hand side of the blog.  Let me introduce Thunder.  Up until recently, he was my life.  He still is, but he now has to share the spotlight with Riley.

Our first day together.  
Thunder came into my life in 2005 when he was only 8 weeks old.  I have always loved pugs and always wanted one.  I was dating someone for 5 years and then we broke up.  So I moved out, went through the normal cycle that most people do, and 2 months later went to look at pugs to see if I wanted one.  I went to a breeder and she brought out 4 pug puppies.  3 girls and 1 boy.  The first girl ran right up to me, sniffed and ran away.  I knew she wasnt for me.  About a minute later, the male came up to me, jumped on my lap and wouldnt leave.  I knew for sure it was love at first sight for both of us.  I made a deal with the breeder that I would go home and come back the next morning and pick up the puppy.  Ever since then, we havent left each others side.

Thunder has been with me every step of the way since August 2005.  He has lived in 5 different apartments with me, seen a lot of things that I wont mention on this blog, and also met my wife with me.  She wasnt a fan of him at first since she didnt understand how I can love him as much as I did.  She kept complaining why I had all these pictures of me and Thunder up in my apartment.  Eventually, while babysitting for me one day while I was traveling, she came around. She fell in love with him.  I think it was when she was doing laundry and Thunder decided to get under the sheets while my wife (girlfriend at the time) was playing music and dancing. Thunder was dancing under the sheets, and my wife had a moment and suddenly fell in love with him.

How can you not love this face?
I have a very difficult time doing something big in my life without Thunder being around for it.  As you can see in the picture on the right, he was even dressed up in a tux at my wedding.  It was a moment I will never forget.  I'll be able to look at pictures and remember he was with me.  I have always wanted to cross a finish line of a race with Thunder, but never found a race that will allow it.  I guess this is where Riley wins.  He'll be crossing the finish line with me in Maine at the Rev3 Half.  I wish I could have them both, but unfortunately, Thunder wont be there.

Everyone in my family has fallen in love with Thunder.  Whenever he comes home with the wife and I,  I'm not sure who gets excited more, him or his grandpa.  My father is obsessed with Thunder and visa versa.  I know that whenever I bring him home, he'll be worn out for a few days after since he is always playing with grandpa.  In fact, Im not sure who grandpa loves more, Thunder or Riley?

We have our rituals.  Every year, we take Thunder to the Halloween Pug Walk in Bronxville, NY.  Basically imagine about 50 pugs all dressed up in costumes and get together for a play date.  The list of Thunder's costumes include a cowboy, a Men in Black pug, an elephant, mickey mouse, a fighter plane to name a few.
Mickey Mouse Thunder
Thunder-phant and the Devil
(not a good idea to call your wife the devil-just an fyi)

Thunder's birthday is celebrating probably more so than anyone else int he family.  He seems to make out with better gifts than everyone else every year.  Its not hard to shop for a dog, but we try to out do it every year.
Looks like its his birthday and he wants some cake.

Heeeere's the cake

Our holiday cards always include Thunder on them and everyone knows how important he is in my life.  Whenever I get home from work, he jumps off the couch and runs right up to me to wants to play.

And he's still the big brother
When we told our families that we were pregnant, it was actually Thunder who delivered the news.  Its not exciting if we say it, so why not let Thunder be the delivery man.

Recently he has been Riley's watchdog.  For those of you who know about pugs, they sleep.  A LOT.  They dont wake up for anything, except food.  Well now, when I wake up to do the 3am feedings for Riley, I find that Thunder is right there next to me jumping out of the bed and sitting right next to me in the middle of the night to make sure Riley is getting his nighttime bottle.  He sits in his room right next to his crib and stares to make sure everything is fine.  Thunder has taken a liking to his little brother

I'm sure everyone knows how great a pet is, and I dont want to overload this page with pictures of Thunder, but he has been such a huge part in my life that I cant leave him out.  I've tried to get him to go running with me but the longest distance he has ever done is about 3/4 of a mile so that doesnt really lead to a great workout partner.  Maybe I'll have to just throw a basket on my aero bars and he can strap right in so we can go biking together.  Either way, Thunder is a huge part of my life and I wanted to at least introduce him to everyone.  In fact, while I sit here at my desk, he is sitting right behind me in my desk chair, so I guess we coauthored this post together.  

1 comment:

  1. I love pugs! But Desi does not want one. First she thinks they are ugly (she's crazy) and they do have breathing problems. She does not want to have a pug that you can hear breathing from across the room.
